Thursday, March 20, 2014


After much debate I have decided to start a blog with my research on various (mostly highly controversial) topics. I am a mama to one amazing, funny, smart, tall, boisterous  little girl that keeps me on my toes. I am a wife to one awesome, loving, thrill seeking, sarcastic, God fearing hubby. Together we are trying to live the crunchy life as much as we can given the circumstances. I am a DoTerra Consultant. I love, love, love, love my essential oils. I can assure you that lots will get posted about essential oils and how everyone should have some. I am a birth junkie, an aspiring midwife, God fearing, antivaccinating, cloth diapering, barefoot, essential oils loving, soap making, knitting, sewing, home cooking meals kind of crunchy granola mama.